Photo of river, Jumhilac le Grand, France 2007

Eucharistic Acclamations

St Louis Mass

These acclamations and responses are a setting of the Eucharistic Prayer II for children

  • Acclamation 1:
    With Jesus we sing your praise:
    Glory to God in the highest.
    Glory to God in the highest.
  • Acclamation 2:
    Holy, holy, holy Lord,
    God of power and might;
    heav'n and earth are full of your glory.
    Hosanna in the highest,
    hosanna in the highest heavens.
  • Blessed, blessed is he
    who comes in the name of the Lord.
    Hosanna in the highest,
    hosanna in the highest heavens.
  • Acclamation 2b:
    Blessed, blessed is he
    who comes in the name of the Lord.
    Hosanna in the highest,
    hosanna in the highest heavens.
  • Acclamation 3:
    Jesus has given his life for us:
    Jesus has given his life for us.
  • Acclamation 4:
    We praise you, we bless you, we thank you:
    We praise you, we bless you, we thank you.
© 1994 Mick Truman

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You may reproduce the words for assembly use or bulletins on the understanding that you include the author and composer name, copyright line and download notice as seen.

For any other purposes, please contact us using the website contact form for permissions or email

St Louis Mass was written for the students at St Louis Middle School, Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, UK. It has been used for a number of years successfully with many groups in and out of the school. On a particularly memorable occasion it was sung in the Cathedral with both bishops of the Catholic diocese and Church of England diocese presiding for an anniversary celebration of the school.

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themes in this song:

service, Eucharistic acclamations, holy holy, sanctus, doxology, Great Amen, eucharist, hosanna, glory, God of power and might, St Louis

liturgical use:

service, Eucharistic acclamations, holy holy, sanctus, doxology, Great Amen
